“Nearly ten years ago, I met Eugene Yoon en route to the other side of the world with an acoustic guitar strapped across his back like some bard of ages past. Along the way he’d swap his chordophone of choice with different folk instruments native to the lands we traveled together, serenading our party come campfire or seedy tavern. Nylon strings and ancient ballads were a passion for Yoon, but he saw them as more than just rose-tinted history. Within these elder-tunes endured a quintessential truth ripe for contemporary modification. When he wasn’t studying the musical traditions of people we met along the way, he was lost in thought, nodding his head along to synthesized airwaves that took his mind to the center of an event horizon. Years later on a day just like any other, an exceptional thing happened as the union between genres appeared to him like spirits.”

-Thaer Husien